Articles under category Great Britain
Great Britain ceased to use the duodecimal system of coinage and adopted the decimal pound in 1971. The last circulating predecimal coins were dated 1967: some denominations continued to circulate until 1971 but others were phased out or replaced by their decimal equivalents from 1968.
More details about British bronze farthing and halfpenny varieties can be found in the new reference book A Treatise on Varieties of British Fractional Bronze 1860-1970.

- 1837 Mule Sixpence
- 1847 Sixpence
- 1860 British Farthings
- 1860 Toothed/Beaded Border Mule Halfpenny
- 1862 British Penny Varieties
- 1872 Die Letter C Farthing
- 1877 British Penny Varieties
- 1877 Farthing
- 1882 British Half Crown Varieties
- 1887 Double Florin varieties
- 1887 Gothic Florin Varieties
- 1887 Half Crown varieties
- 1887 Shield Sixpence Varieties
- 1890 Great Britain shilling varieties
- 1897 London Sovereign
- 1902 Low and High Tide Pennies
- 1904 London Half Sovereign
- 1920 British transition to .500 silver coins
- 1933 British Penny
- 1937 British Penny Varieties
- 1937 Great Britain Silver Threepence varieties
- 1952 British Penny
- 1953 Farthing Varieties
- 1953 Maundy Money Set
- 1966 British penny mule with Jersey obverse
- 1967 British Halfpenny
- 1970 British Penny
- 1974 Maundy Money Set
- 2023 Maundy Money Set
- British Penny Varieties 1920-1921
- Kings Norton Mint trial pennies
- Martin Jennings Portrait of King Charles III
- Proof Groats 1837-1862