Bikanir State's Uniform-Like Coinage
The introduction of uniform coinage in India in 1862 bought consistency of currency to much of India. Local issues in the Princely States continued for some time after 1862 however (p343, Wiggins, British Commonwealth Coins, 1971), with some states even issuing coinage with the same denominations and specifications as India’s uniform coinage.

Bikanir was one of the later five states to issue uniform-like coinage: it comprised the half pice, the quarter anna and the rupee, all struck at the Calcutta Mint. Paisas, eighth rupees (two annas), quarter rupees, half rupees had been struck at the local mint up until 1890 with the Indian government taking over coinage production in 1891 (p354, Wiggins, British Commonwealth Coins, 1971). The first uniform-like coinage for Bikanir was dated 1892 and the last was dated 1897 - a somewhat brief time-span.
Year | Mintage | Mint |
1894 | 500,000 | Calcutta Mint |
Year | Mintage | Mint |
1895 | 6,156,000 | Calcutta Mint |
Year | Mintage | Mint |
1892 | 596,000 | Calcutta Mint |
1897 | 111,000 | Calcutta Mint |
Further coins were struck in the name of Bikanir State after 1897 though these were all commemorative and likely non-circulating pieces, though it is unclear when India’s uniform coinage was fully adopted.
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