Among the many Indian princely states that continued to strike their own coinage after 1862 was Dewas. Undated paisas were reportedly struck through the 1800s and were issued at least until 1904 (p363, Wiggins, British Commonwealth Coins, 1971), and copper coins struck to the same specifications as India's uniform coinage were also struck in 1887 and 1888. This copper coinage consisted of twelfth annas, half pices and quarter annas - presumably Indian uniform coinage also circulated in Dewas as this was only a subset of the uniform coinage denominations.
Dewas Senior Branch twelfth anna reverse
Dewas state itself was split into two districts referred to as the Junior and Senior Branches and both had coins struck in their names (S.B. or J.B. appeared on the reverses of the coins to distinguish them).